Get back on track

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Whether you are working towards the final semester before graduation, in your second semester of your freshman year, or somewhere in between, the beginning of a new semester can be a confusing and difficult time. These tips can help you be less intimidated about new classes, new friends, new professors, and everything that comes with a college semester.

    You enrolled at SIU to get an education and attend class. It may seem easy to skip class during the first few days of the semester because you think there will be no new material to learn. It is important that you make it to these classes. The first few days of class are when you learn about what to expect for the semester and get to know the teacher. Professors take note of who makes it to the first class, and it can be a bad first impression if you skip. Your syllabus reveals not only the important dates, but also what you will be learning and what your professor is expecting. Reading the syllabus is one of the first things you should do for any class, and most of your questions about a class can likely be answered. Put important dates from the syllabus into a calendar with reminders and alerts of upcoming assignments and test.
    Try something new this semester: join a student or Greek organization. You can get your friends involved, too. SIU has over 400 student organizations that provide an opportunity to enhance your leadership capabilities. SIU also has 33 fraternities and sororities that offer students the opportunity to become strong leaders, serve your community, and become part of the large Greek alumni to assist you in future endeavors. More information about registered student organizations can be found here. Information on fraternities and sororities can be found here.
  3. RELAX
    Don’t overwhelm yourself in the first few weeks of the semester. Make sure to ease into the semester and take small steps into the workload. Relax and enjoy being back at school, but don’t get too comfortable. Find time to work out or exercise, drink coffee with friends, go bowling at the Student Center, or check out the latest movies. Making time for YOU will help you get back on track and accomplish the goals you have set for the semester.