Additional Report
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- Addition Report: #8-0941
- Mr. Nigg
- 5-7-68
ACTION TAKEN: Information received from radio Officer McRoy concerning an explosion in the North wing of the Agriculture Building.
Made search of a window near the parking lot of the North wing at the East end of the building, a window which is on the North side of the class-room laboratory 155. No latent prints were found; however, evidence indicated that two screws had been removed from the metal window stop and the screen was found on the outside of the building. Two heel prints were visible in the soft dirt directly below the window with the position of the prints indicating that the rear of the heels were nearest the building as if exit from the building had been made there. The heel prints, as well as a print on the laboratory bench directly inside the room, indicated that a rubber-soled shoe with a diamond tread was worn by person making the print. Measurement on the distinct heal print was 3" in width and 5" in length. This evidence was photographed by SIU photographer Charles Culley. The only damage to Room 155 was a transom window over the outside door blown out.
Damage at a point near the elevator shaft, which is centrally located in the East - West hallway, was the most extensive. This area is on the same side of the hallway as Muckelroy Auditorium, and adjacent to the auditorium on the East. A hole which measured 1 1/2 feet in width, one foot in height, and with an indentation in the concrete floor of approximately 3 inches, was observed. Samples of debris from this blast area, as well as samples from the bottom of the elevator shaft, were taken and sent, on May 7, to the Federal Bureau of Investigation laboratory for analysis. Some of the yellow bricks were removed from the area directly above the blast scene and retained as evidence.
Search of the debris in the hallway approximately 20 feet West of the blast area resulted in the location of a Ray-0-Vac one cell flashlight battery with a piece of black friction tape attached, as well as small pieces of conductor wire. These items were located by Carbondale Fire Chief Crawshaw, Capt. Rogers and Carbondale Police Officer Sgt. Don Johnson and were also forwarded to the FBI.
Discovery was also made in the main Muckelroy Auditorium of a badly damaged Baby Ben Alarm Clock which had evidently ricocheted through a damaged door from the hallway into the auditorium. This item was located by officers listed above and was sent with the other exhibits to the FBI.
This is an open case which we continue to investigate as new leads are developed. If you have information about the bombing, please contact us.