The Southern Illinois University Carbondale Department of Public Safety is a Community Policing and Problem Solving Agency that provides comprehensive public safety services for a nationally ranked higher education institution. Personnel establish and maintain trust-based relationships with University faculty, students, staff and the broader community. Department personnel foster partnerships with the community and other law enforcement agencies. Personnel focus on preventing crime and improving quality of life.
Department of Public Safety employees are responsive to community needs. Police officers, telecommunicators, parking agents, and administrative staff work to support and further the University education and research mission. The Organization is focused on protecting critical assets and preventing the disruption of University services. Personnel are prepared to respond to incidents ranging from routine to disastrous.
Law enforcement officers are sworn to uphold the constitutions of the United States and of the State of Illinois. All personnel are ethically responsible for preserving individual freedoms and promoting an environment conducive to creativity and innovation.
Professionalism: Agency personnel are to act with moral character and exemplify law enforcement standards of personal conduct.
Integrity: All employees are to abide by an unimpaired code of conduct, adhering to the values of the Organization. All staff balance kindness, compassion, and courteousness with accountability.
Honor: Police officers, telecommunicators, parking agents, and administrative staff are to operate with the responsibility and dignity of holding a position of public trust. Personnel are to act with respect and commitment befitting of public safety employees.
Dedication: Agency employees are committed to providing consistent, un-biased services. Personnel are to operate with unwavering reliability and attentiveness.
The Southern Illinois University Carbondale Department of Public Safety is committed to providing preemptive public safety services to the University and the surrounding region. Personnel offers expert leadership in emergency response, threat assessment, and the tactical delivery of law enforcement services.
The Department promotes problem-solving efforts to address a wide range of community concerns. Public Safety personnel are well-trained and adequately equipped to carry out protection-related responsibilities. The community is core to the development and implementation of crime reduction strategies. The Department will work collaboratively seeking input from individuals and organizations to establish a foundation for problem solving.
The Department of Public Safety seeks to strengthen accountability through the achievement of accepted law enforcement standards. The Agency is dedicated to developing a culture conducive to learning, innovation, and advancement of the law enforcement profession. The Agency must remain agile in order to efficiently police in an ever-changing society.
The SIU Police Department maintains a 60-day crime log that may be viewed online or in person during normal business hours. In addition, we maintain a log of fires that occur in campus residence areas.